angry beavers
Los Castores Cascarrabias (The Angry Beavers) es una serie animada creada por Nickelodeon en 1997. Fue nominada al Emmy, la serie trataba de dos hermanos castores, Norbert y Daggett, quienes dejan su casa para vivir solos en el bosque. Sus muchas aventuras hacen que ellos saquen su lado malo muy a menudo, por lo que lleva el nombre de Los Castores Cascarrabias.
01 "Born to Be Beavers / Up All Night"
02 "A Dam Too Far / Long in the Teeth"
03 "Gift Hoarse / Go Beavers"
04 "Box Top Beavers / Salmon Sez"
05 "Beach Beavers A-Go-Go / Deranged Ranger"
06 "Muscular Beaver / Fish Dips"
07 "Enter the Daggett / Bug-A-Boo"
08 "Mission to the Big Hot Thingy / I Dare You"
09 "Stinky Toe / House Broken"
10 "Fancy Prance / H2Whoa!"
11 "The Bing That Wouldn't Leave / You Promised"
12 "Bummer of Love / Food of the Clods"
13 "Tree's Company / Guess Who's Stumping to Dinner"
14 "Beaver Fever / Same Time Last Week"
15 "Kandid Kreatures / Fakin' It"
16 "Muscular Beaver 2 / Stump Looks For His Roots"
17 "Tree of Hearts / Dag for the Night"
18 "Un-barry-ble / Another One Bites the Musk"
19 "The Mighty Knothead / Pond Scum"
20 "Friends, Romans, Beavers / Big Round Sticky Fish Thingy"
21 "Lumberjack's Delight / Zooing Time"
22 "Utter Nonsense / Endangered Species"
23 "The Day the World Got Really Screwed Up"
24 "Open Wide for Zombies / Dumbwaiters"
25 "Sans-A-Pelt / Gonna Getcha"
26 "If You In-sisters / Alley Oops"
27 "My Bunny-Guard / What's Eating You?"
28 "Omega Beaver / Bite This!"
29 "Spooky Spoots / Up All Night 2: Up All Day"
30 "Muscular Beaver 3 / Sang 'em High"
31 "In Search of Big Byoo-Tox / Moronathon Man"
32 "The Legend of Kid Friendly / Silent but Deadly"
33 "Pass It On! / Stump's Family Reunion"
34 "Tough Love / A Little Dad'll Do You"
35 "Too Loose Latrine / Pack Your Dags"
36 "Daggy Dearest / Dag's List"
37 "Muscular Beaver 4 / Act Your Age"
38 "Mistaken Identity / Easy Peasy Rider"
39 "Long Tall Daggy / I'm Not an Animal, I'm Scientist #1"
40 "Norberto y Daggetto en El Grapadura Y El Castor Malo / The Loogie Hawk"
41 "Kreature Komforts / Oh, Brother?"
42 "Das Spoot / SqOtters"
43 "Stare and Stare Alike / Practical Jerks""
44 "Dagski and Norb / Shell or High Water"
45 "Nice and Lonely / Soccer? I Hardly Knew Him!"
46 "Slap Happy / Home Loners"
47 "Ugly Roomers / Finger Lickin' Goofs"
48 " the End? / Euro Beavers"
49 "Strange Allure / Partying Is Such Sweet Sorrow"
50 "Chocolate Up to Experience / Three Dag Nite"
51 ´"All in the Colony / Line Duncing"
52 "Beavemaster / Deck Poops"
53 "Fat Chance" / "Dag in the Mirror"
54 "Canucks Amuck / Yak in the Sack"
55 "Driving Misses Daggett / Big Fun"
56 "Moby Dopes / Present Tense"
57 "House Sisters / Muscular Beaver 5"
58 "It's a Spootiful Life / The Mom from U.N.C.L.E."
59 "Vantastic Voyage / Blacktop Beavers"
60 "The Big Frog / Dag Con Carny"
61 "Damnesia / The Posei-Dam Adventure"
62 "Specs Appeal / Things That Go Hook in the Night"